--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+import threading
+import struct
+import rospy
+import tf
+from std_msgs.msg import Float32
+from math import *
+from i2c import i2c
+from time import sleep
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+class simple_kalman:
+ def __init__(self, x_est, P_est, Q, R):
+ self.x_est = x_est # Systemzustand
+ self.P_est = P_est # Fehlerkovarianz
+ self.Q = Q # Systemrauschen
+ self.R = R # Varianz des Messfehlers
+ def run(self, y):
+ # Korrektur mit der Messung
+ # (1) Berechnung der Kalman Verstärkung
+ K = self.P_est/(self.R + self.P_est)
+ # (2) Korrektur der Schätzung mit der Messung y
+ x = self.x_est + K*(y - self.x_est)
+ # (3) Korrektur der Fehlerkovarianzmatrix
+ P = (1-K)*self.P_est
+ #
+ # Prädiktion
+ # (1) Prädiziere den Systemzustand
+ self.x_est = x
+ # (2) Präzidiere die Fehlerkovarianzmatrix
+ self.P_est = P + self.Q
+ return x
+class DW1000(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, name, addr, offset):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.setDaemon(1)
+ self.dist = 0
+ self.dist_filter = 0
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.addr = addr
+ x_est = 1.0 # Systemzustand
+ P_est = 0.003 # Fehlerkovarianz
+ Q = 10e-4 # Systemrauschen
+ R = 0.05 # Varianz des Messfehlers
+ self.filter = simple_kalman(x_est, P_est, Q, R)
+ self.pub = rospy.Publisher(name, Float32, queue_size=16)
+ self.start()
+ def get_value(self):
+ dev = i2c(self.addr)
+ ret = struct.unpack("f", dev.read(4))
+ dev.close()
+ return ret[0]
+ def distance(self):
+ return self.dist_filter
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ self.dist = self.get_value() + self.offset
+ self.dist_filter = self.filter.run(self.dist)
+ self.pub.publish(self.dist_filter)
+ sleep(0.1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ rospy.init_node('DW1000')
+ dwleft = DW1000("uwb_dist_left", 0xc2, +0.0)
+ dwright = DW1000("uwb_dist_right", 0xc0, -0.0)
+ dist_l_r = 0.285
+ rate = rospy.Rate(10)
+ tf_broadcaster = tf.broadcaster.TransformBroadcaster()
+ while not rospy.is_shutdown() and dwleft.is_alive() and dwright.is_alive():
+ dist_left = dwleft.distance()
+ dist_right = dwright.distance()
+ dir = "left" if (dist_left < dist_right) else "right"
+ diff = abs(dist_left - dist_right)
+ if diff >= dist_l_r:
+ # difference to high, correct to maximum
+ off = diff - dist_l_r + 0.01
+ if dist_left > dist_right:
+ dist_left -= off/2
+ dist_right += off/2
+ else:
+ dist_left += off/2
+ dist_right -= off/2
+ print "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %s" % (dwleft.dist, dwright.dist, dwleft.dist_filter, dwright.dist_filter, dist_left, dist_right, dir)
+ a_r = (-dist_right**2 + dist_left**2 - dist_l_r**2) / (-2*dist_l_r)
+ x = dist_l_r/2 - a_r
+ t = dist_right**2 - a_r**2
+ if t >= 0:
+ y = sqrt(t)
+ print x,y
+ # Rotated 90 deg
+ tf_broadcaster.sendTransform((y, -x, 0.0), (0, 0, 0, 1), rospy.Time.now(), "uwb_beacon", "base_footprint")
+ circle_left = plt.Circle((-dist_l_r/2, 0), dwleft.distance, color='red', fill=False)
+ circle_right = plt.Circle((dist_l_r/2, 0), dwright.distance, color='green', fill=False)
+ plt.gca().add_patch(circle_left)
+ plt.gca().add_patch(circle_right)
+ plt.grid(True)
+ plt.axis('scaled')
+ plt.show()
+ rate.sleep()