def run(self):
last_val = 10
- while True:
+ while not rospy.is_shutdown():
val = self.get_value()
if abs(val - last_val) > 10:
- print "Ignoring values too far apart %s: %.2f - %.2f" % (, val, last_val)
+ rospy.logwarn("Ignoring values too far apart %s: %.2f - %.2f",, val, last_val)
elif not isnan(val):
self.dist = val + self.offset
self.last_update =
self.speed_y = msg.twist.twist.linear.y
self.speed_z = msg.twist.twist.angular.z
- """
- - variance of kalman should be dependant on distance
- """
def filter(self, x, y):
# Correct estimation with speed
current_time =
# run kalman if new measurements are valid
if x != None and y != None:
+ print "Var", self.filter_x.R, self.filter_y.R
x =
y =
+ # Update covariance
+ dist = np.linalg.norm([x, y])
+ self.filter_x.R = np.polyval([0.017795, -0.021832, 0.010968], dist)
+ self.filter_y.R = np.polyval([0.0060314, -0.013387, 0.0065049], dist)
x = self.filter_x.x_est
y = self.filter_y.x_est
diff = dwleft.distance_valid() - dwright.distance_valid()
dwleft.offset -= diff/2
dwright.offset += diff/2
- print "Centering to %.2f %.2f" % (dwleft.offset, dwright.offset)
+ rospy.loginfo("Centering to %.2f %.2f", dwleft.offset, dwright.offset)
return DWM1000CenterResponse()
if __name__ == "__main__":
- rospy.init_node('DWM1000')
- dwleft = DW1000("uwb_dist_left", 0xc2, +0.02)
- dwright = DW1000("uwb_dist_right", 0xc0, -0.02)
- dist_l_r = 0.285
+ rospy.init_node('DWM1000', log_level=rospy.DEBUG)
+ dwleft = DW1000("uwb_dist_left", 0xc2, +0.00)
+ dwright = DW1000("uwb_dist_right", 0xc0, -0.00)
+ dist_l_r = 0.285 # Distance between both DWM1000
rate = rospy.Rate(10)
pos = Position()
tf_broadcaster = tf.broadcaster.TransformBroadcaster()
dist_left = dwleft.distance_valid()
dist_right = dwright.distance_valid()
if dist_left == None or dist_right == None:
- print "no valid sensor update"
+ rospy.logerr("no valid sensor update")
# run kalman prediction only
pos.filter(None, None)
dist_left += off/2
dist_right -= off/2
- print "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %s" % (dwleft.distance(), dwright.distance(), dist_left, dist_right, dir)
+ rospy.logdebug("%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %s", dwleft.distance(), dwright.distance(), dist_left, dist_right, dir)
a_r = (-dist_right**2 + dist_left**2 - dist_l_r**2) / (-2*dist_l_r)
x = dist_l_r/2 - a_r
t = dist_right**2 - a_r**2
if t >= 0:
y = sqrt(t)
- print x,y
+ rospy.logdebug("x=%.2f, y=%.2f", x, y)
# Rotate 90 deg
x, y = (y, -x)