from time import sleep
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
+from wild_thumper.srv import DWM1000Center, DWM1000CenterResponse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
return x,y
+def handle_center_call(req):
+ diff = dwleft.distance_valid() - dwright.distance_valid()
+ dwleft.offset -= diff/2
+ dwright.offset += diff/2
+ print "Centering to %.2f %.2f" % (dwleft.offset, dwright.offset)
+ return DWM1000CenterResponse()
if __name__ == "__main__":
- rospy.init_node('DW1000')
+ rospy.init_node('DWM1000')
dwleft = DW1000("uwb_dist_left", 0xc2, +0.02)
dwright = DW1000("uwb_dist_right", 0xc0, -0.02)
dist_l_r = 0.285
rate = rospy.Rate(10)
pos = Position()
tf_broadcaster = tf.broadcaster.TransformBroadcaster()
+ rospy.Service('/DWM1000/center', DWM1000Center, handle_center_call)
while not rospy.is_shutdown() and dwleft.is_alive() and dwright.is_alive():
dist_left = dwleft.distance_valid()