Data Fields
ft_handle_devices Struct Reference

Handle for the ft Interface. More...

#include <roboint.h>

Data Fields

FT_TRANSFER_AREA transfer_area
 Place to hold the transfer area.
struct usb_device * dev
 Pointer to the usb device.
usb_dev_handle * device
 Handle for USB communication.
long int sdev
 Serial device.
long int type
 Type of device.
pthread_t t
 Communication Thread.
sem_t lock
 Lock for communication.
struct termios saveioset
 Serial settings.
struct termios newioset
 Serial settings.
int analogcycle
 Anaylog cycle time (II only)
unsigned int query_time
 Query time for the Interface.
unsigned char interface_connected
 0 = no connection to the interface

Detailed Description

Handle for the ft Interface.

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