INSTALL: ========== Step 1: <----------> Please install the Shuttle Launching Framework first before Installing this Mod and put the files into their right place. You can get the Shuttle Launching Framework here: Step 2: <----------> You should update all your Carrier files for use with the Return Shuttles script. However adding the Function "def GetMaxShuttles(self):" to the Carrier class is recommended to get the scripts working while "def IgnoreTractors(self):" is not. "def GetMaxShuttles(self):" just decline How much Shuttles a Ship can totally Carry while "def IgnoreTractors(self):" says which Tractor NOT to use for docking. Just look at the examples (especially the Dauntless file for "def IgnoreTractors()") in the Examples Directory. The Syntax should be self-explained, but keep the spaces like they are!