README libroboint/Robo Explorer ROS Connector ========== This is a ROS Stack to control the fischertechnik Robo Explorer with ROS using libroboint. It works with the Navigation Stack, the Laserscan is faked by the Sonar Sensor. You need to use Robo Explorer with Wheels instead of Tracks because the Tracks are too inaccurate for Odometry. I used the Wheel Setup from Mobile Robots 2. Requirements: <----------> ROS - tested under Groovy libroboint - Author: <----------> Erik Andresen - Please contact me for bugs or any suggestions Compiling/Installing: <----------> This is a catkin package, see generall ROS Documentation. Commands: <----------> -When running a component (eg. rviz) remote: # export ROS_MASTER_URI= # export ROS_IP=$OWN_IP -Start Explorer: # roslaunch explorer_configuration.launch -Start Navigation Stack: # roslaunch move_base.launch -Start RViz: # rosrun rviz rviz -Manually setting of Translation/Rotation speed: # rostopic pub -1 cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.0, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.0]'