README libroboint/Robo Explorer ROS Connector ========== This contains a ROS package to control the fischertechnik Robo Explorer with ROS using libroboint. Its is split in the following Nodes: -libft_adapter: Accesses the Interface over libroboint. Inputs are send via ft/get_inputs message. Outputs are set with ft/set_output and ft/set_motor message. -robo_explorer_hardware: Hardware functions for the ros_control DiffDriveController Provides additional Robo Explorer functions, e.g. sensors The world frame of the navigation setup is "odom" since this robot is running without SLAM and amcl. Hardware setup: <----------> You need to use the Robo Explorer with wheels instead of tracks because the tracks are too inaccurate for Odometry. I used the two wheel Setup from Mobile Robots 2. Requirements: <----------> ROS - tested under Groovy, Indigo, Kinetic libroboint - Author: <----------> Erik Andresen - Compiling/Installing: <----------> This is a catkin package, see general ROS Documentation. Commands: <----------> -Start Explorer: # roslaunch explorer_configuration.launch -Start RViz: # rosrun rviz rviz -Manually setting of Translation/Rotation speed: Forward: # rostopic pub -1 cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.1, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.0]' Turn: # rostopic pub -1 cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.1, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.4]'