--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+import os
+import rlcompleter
+import readline
+import code
+import atexit
+class irlcompleter(rlcompleter.Completer):
+ def complete(self, text, state):
+ if text == "":
+ # you could replace \t to 4 or 8 spaces if you prefer indent via spaces
+ return ['\t', None][state]
+ else:
+ return rlcompleter.Completer.complete(self, text, state)
+class HistoryConsole(code.InteractiveConsole):
+ def __init__(self, locales=None, filename="<console>", histfile=os.path.expanduser("~/.console-history"), custom_interpreter=None):
+ code.InteractiveConsole.__init__(self, locales, filename)
+ self.init_history(histfile)
+ self.custom_interpreter = custom_interpreter
+ def init_history(self, histfile):
+ readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
+ readline.set_completer(irlcompleter().complete)
+ if hasattr(readline, "read_history_file"):
+ try:
+ readline.read_history_file(histfile)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ atexit.register(self.save_history, histfile)
+ def save_history(self, histfile):
+ readline.write_history_file(histfile)
+ def push(self, line):
+ line = line.encode("iso-8859-15", "replace")
+ if self.custom_interpreter:
+ if self.custom_interpreter(line):
+ return
+ return code.InteractiveConsole.push(self, line)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ con = HistoryConsole(locales=locals())
+ con.interact(banner="")
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+import sys
+import socket
+import json
+def set_keepalive(sock, after_idle_sec=1, interval_sec=3, max_fails=5):
+ """Set TCP keepalive on an open socket.
+ It activates after 1 second (after_idle_sec) of idleness,
+ then sends a keepalive ping once every 3 seconds (interval_sec),
+ and closes the connection after 5 failed ping (max_fails), or 15 seconds
+ """
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, after_idle_sec)
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, interval_sec)
+ sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, max_fails)
+if not hasattr(socket, "set_keepalive"):
+ socket.set_keepalive = set_keepalive
+class JsonClient:
+ def __init__(self, addr = ("panda", 10002)):
+ self.pSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.pSocket.settimeout(1)
+ socket.set_keepalive(self.pSocket)
+ self.pSocket.connect(addr)
+ self.lMsgs = []
+ def write(self, cmd):
+ data = {'command': cmd}
+ num = self.pSocket.sendall(json.dumps(data))
+ while True:
+ msg = json.loads(self.pSocket.recv(4096))
+ if msg.has_key("return"): return msg["return"]
+ elif msg.has_key("error"): return msg["error"]
+ self.lMsgs.insert(0, msg)
+ def read(self):
+ if len(self.lMsgs) > 0:
+ return self.lMsgs.pop()
+ self.pSocket.setblocking(False)
+ try:
+ return json.loads(self.pSocket.recv(4096))
+ except socket.error:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ self.pSocket.setblocking(True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print JsonClient().write(sys.argv[1])
+ #from datetime import datetime
+ #from time import sleep
+ #pClient = JsonClient()
+ #while True:
+ # msg = pClient.read()
+ # if msg:
+ # print "Got async", msg
+ # print datetime.now(), float(pClient.write("get distance forward lower"))
+ # sleep(0.1)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+import logging
+import threading
+from time import sleep
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Scheduler:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.lThreads = []
+ self.pause = False
+ self.autoclean()
+ self.__lock_delay = threading.Lock()
+ def autoclean(self):
+ logger.debug("Current number of threads: %d" % threading.active_count())
+ self.add_thread(10, self.autoclean)
+ for t in self.lThreads:
+ if not t.isAlive():
+ self.lThreads.remove(t)
+ def stop(self):
+ for t in self.lThreads:
+ t.cancel()
+ def add_thread(self, time, function, args=[], kwargs={}):
+ while(self.pause):
+ sleep(1)
+ k = [function, None, args, kwargs]
+ t = threading.Timer(time, self.dispatch, k)
+ t.setDaemon(True)
+ t.setName(str(function))
+ k[1] = t
+ t.delayed = True
+ t.start()
+ self.lThreads.append(t)
+ def dispatch(self, function, timer, args, kwargs):
+ while True:
+ with self.__lock_delay:
+ still_running = False
+ for t in self.lThreads:
+ if t.name == str(function) and t.isAlive() and t.ident != timer.ident and not t.delayed:
+ still_running = True
+ break
+ if not still_running:
+ t.delayed = False
+ break
+ logger.debug("Delaying execution of Thread %s", t.name)
+ # Another Thread still running, delay execution
+ sleep(0.1)
+ try:
+ function(*args, **kwargs)
+ except:
+ logger.exception("Dispatcher exception of %s:", t.name)
+ logger.error("Current number of threads: %d" % threading.active_count())
+pScheduler = Scheduler()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ def test():
+ pScheduler.add_thread(0.1, test)
+ print "test"
+ sleep(1)
+ print "end"
+ test()
+ while(1):
+ sleep(0.1)