if ord(ret) != 0x1:
raise Exception()
+ def i2c_ping(self, addr):
+ # 1. Write
+ # command (1) | number of write bytes (2) | number of read bytes (2) | bytes to write (0..)
+ msg = struct.pack(">BHHB", 0x08, 1, 0, addr)
+ ret = self.command(msg, 1)
+ if ord(ret[0]) != 0x1:
+ raise Exception("I2C ping failed")
def i2c_write(self, addr, reg, s):
# 1. Write
# command (1) | number of write bytes (2) | number of read bytes (2) | bytes to write (0..)
def i2c_read(self, addr, reg, num_read):
# set reg
- self.i2c_write(addr, reg, "")
+ if reg != None:
+ self.i2c_write(addr, reg, "")
# command (1) | number of write bytes (2) | number of read bytes (2) | bytes to write (0..)
msg = struct.pack(">BHHB", 0x08, 1, num_read, addr | 0x1)